Make an appointment 732-757-4504
There are many different methods available to receive your free, no-obligation estimate.
To receive a quote online, simply fill out the appropriate form along with all moving details, and we will contact you shortly with the price for your move.
We can also send a representative to your home for a free on-site estimate, where we will survey everything being moved, and provide a price quote on the spot.
You can call anytime to set up an appointment or you may be able to receive the estimate over the phone.
944 Rt. 33 Monroe NJ 08831
Business Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00AM-6:00PM
Saturday-Sunday 8:00AM-4:00PM
Get a FREE Quote
About Us
The Absolute Moving System, established in 2002, is a Moving Company that serves all of New Jersey and the tri-state area. This family-owned moving company offers local, long-distance, and commercial moving services. We specialize in all-size moves, from studio apartments to estates, from home offices to large commercial sites.
NJ Lic.# 39PM00084703
ICC MC - 440368
US DOT - 1045382
Areas We Serve
Contact Us
Address: 944 Rt. 33 Monroe NJ 08831
Email Address:
Contact Us:
Operating Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00AM-6:00PM
Saturday-Sunday 9:00AM-4:00PM